LUZBET, Your One-stop Glass Shop in the Miami Dade Area, serving, Broward, David and Boca Raton


We specialize in residential and commercial

Building And Civil Construction

General caulking services, ensuring your job is done right from the first time.

LUZBET provides a full range of commercial caulking services in the Miami Dade, Broward, David, and Boca Raton area.

LUZBET offers an array of caulking, sealing, and weatherproofing services. We are expert at installing all types of sealants, penetrating sealers, small waterproofing jobs, compression seal systems, tuck pointing, fire rated sealants, sprays, expanding foam sealants, and pedestrian and vehicular grade deck coating.

LUZBET is licensed, insured and bondable. Caulking Services handles new construction,
Renovations, and repairs to existing buildings working with many local general contractors and management companies, on a wide variety of projects.

Installing glass railings in homes or businesses can do wonders for not only the look of the property but its value.

  • Control joints
  • Expansion Joints
  • Perimeters
  1. Skyword joints
  2. Fenestrations
  3. Cracks